Embark on a thrilling rescue adventure in Rescue 2D Princes, an engaging touch-only 2D game designed for mobile and PC platforms. Take on the role of a brave hero in a world of danger and enchantment, tasked with saving the princess. Navigate through 100 challenging levels, each packed with unique obstacles and enemies. Every swipe or tap is a step closer to rescuing the princess. Your wit, agility, and quick reflexes are your best weapons in this captivating quest. Can you conquer all levels and be the hero the princess needs? The realm is counting on you. Join Rescue2D Princes and start your
Spins Master of Fidget Spinner
Hungry Beast
Fort Craft
Halloween Candy Drop
Amaze Fruits
Frozen Slushy Maker - Icy Food
Zombie Drift 3D
Big Bubbles
Alex and Steve Adventures Saves
Horror Nights Story
Speed Toush Car
Bullet And Jump
Baby Taylor Spring Allergy
SuperStar Soccer
Flower Blast
Princess Dress Cake
Push out : colors game
Toll Gate Escape
Fresh Fruit Platter
Two Walls
Newee Ball
Grandpa Escape
Traffic Arrow Game
Royal Girl Wedding Day
Hungry Red
Find The Correct Shadow
Find the Gate Key
Coloring Book for Frozen Elsa
Breakers Football